All Competitions - Burger Recipe Contest

You may have seen the competition in BC Liquor Stores and on so now it’s time to submit your recipes.

We are looking for highly creative recipes with items that are readily available at most well stocked supermarkets.

Tips for Building a Gnarly Burger:
* Read the rules
* Keep up to date – Read food magazines, newspapers food sections and the latest cooking shows
* Be creative – Think outside the bun!
* Choose a Gnarly name
* List ingredients, including the bun and condiments, in the exact order that they are used
* Include every detail of building the burger in step-by-step directions
* Make sure to meet the CFIA standards of cooking meat – beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 71 degrees Celsius

Gnarly Head and Select Wines & Spirits are offering all contestants a chance to be a part of the 2012 judging panel of the Gnarliest Burger Competition! How do you "like" that?



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