Essay Competition - First Prize $1000

all competitions #contest #competition - Memoirs Ink is looking for original, well-written personal essays, memoirs, or stories that are based on autobiographical experiences. The narrative must be in first person, other than that, the contest is open to any type, genre or style of story. Stories can be funny or sad, serious, artsy or fragmented. We are interested in pushing the boundaries of memoir and also in just regular memoir that doesn't try too hard--so long as it moves us. This contest is open to any writer, any age, writing in English--that means Canadians, Brits, Australians, Ugandans and anyone else anywhere can enter.

1. Entry must be previously unpublished (this includes websites and blogs).

2. Entry fee: $15 -we lowered it! And previous entrants get at $2 discount on entry fee. (Make check or money order to Memoirs, Ink. Or pay online. Please make sure to mail your receipt with your entry form and story. Pay Online.

3. Prizes: First Prize: $1000. Second Prize: $500. Third Prize: $250.

4. Word Limit: February Deadline: less than 1500 words; August Deadline: less than 3000 words.

5. Annual Contest Deadline: August 15, 2011 (postmark); Late deadline: August 31, 2011 (late entries require additional $5 fee per entry);

6. Half-Yearly Contest Deadline: February 15, 2012 (postmark) Late Deadline: March 1, 2012 (Postmark - Late entries require additional $5 entry fee per entry).

7. Winners will be announced October 7 and April 30, respectively. We will announce them by e-mail and on our website.

8. Send entries to:
Memoirs Ink Writing Contest
10866 Washington Blvd, Suite 518,
Culver City, CA 90232

9. Please submit entries as follows: Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font.

10. Your name should appear only on the contest submission form. Contest submission form.

11. The title of the manuscript should appear on every page. The pages should be numbered.

12. Pages should be stapled, please.

13. Multiple submissions are accepted, however, an additional $10 entry fee is required for each additional story.

14. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, however, if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere, you need to let us know immediately that you are withdrawing your submission.

15. E-mail questions to Jill at

Essay Competition - First Prize $1000 OTHER INFO

1. Manuscripts will not be returned. Memoirs, Ink., is not responsible for manuscripts lost in the mail, etc. Memoirs, Ink cannot confirm receipt of your entry unless you provide a self-addressed stamped postcard.

2. Winners must sign a contest winner agreement form that certifies your writing is original and assigns us temporary rights and electronic archiving rights.

3. If you win, we will publish your story. If you do not want your story published please do not submit it.

4. We reserve the right to mention or not mention anyone honorably.

Essay Competition - First Prize $1000 JUDGES


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