February Essay Prize $1,000
Michael Steinberg Essay Prize
Fourth Genre Michael Steinberg Essay Prize Submission Guidelines
About the award:
Fourth Genre will seek the best creative nonfiction essay/memoir for its sixth annual Fourth Genre Michael Steinberg Essay Prize. Authors of previously unpublished manuscripts are encouraged to enter.
The winning author receives $1,000 and the winning entry will be published in an upcoming issue of Fourth Genre. Runner-up entry will be considered for publication.
Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be recycled unread. Please read all of the following carefully PRIOR to submission. Complete entry fee checks fully and correctly; include with submissions.
Essay Prize $1,000 Submission Guidelines
• Reading period: January 1-February 28. Submissions must be postmarked on or before February 28.
• Reading fee: $20 (U.S.) per entry
• Make checks payable to “Michigan State University Press”
• Multiple submissions accepted; include $20 entry fee for each individual submission
• Include in cover letter (one page limit): name, address, phone number, email address, title of piece, and approximate word count
• No name should appear anywhere on the manuscript
• 6,000 word limit (Longer submissions will not be read)
• Winners will be announced at http://www.msupress.msu.edu/journals/fg; all manuscripts recycled
• Current Michigan State University students, faculty, and staff are not eligible to enter the Fourth Genre Michael Steinberg Essay Prize Contest.
• Electronic submissions will not be considered
• For manuscript receipt confirmation, include a self-address stamped postcard
• Contest status queries will not be accepted
• Winner and runner-up (if applicable) announced at the end of April
Send submissions to:
Fourth Genre Michael Steinberg Essay Prize
235 Bessey Hall
Dept. of Writing, Rhetoric & American Cultures
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1033
follow me on Twitter @allcompetitions
February Essay Prize $1,000 website: http://www.msupress.msu.edu/journals/fg/index.php?Page=prize
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