BLR Prizes Writing Award

today contest #competition - The BLR Prizes Writing Award contest is open from 2/1/12 - 7/1/12.

BLR Prize Guidelines:

1. The BLR Prizes award outstanding writing related to themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body. First prize is $1000 (in each genre) and publication in the Spring 2013 issue of the BLR.

2. Prose should be limited to 5000 words.
Poetry submissions should have no more than 3 poems. Please include all poems in one document.
Submissions that exceed these limits will be disqualified.

3. Deadline July 1, 2012. Winners will be announced by December 31, 2012.

4. Entry fee is $15 per submission. For an additional $5, you will receive a one-year subscription to the BLR. (Maximum: four submissions per person).

5. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word document or PDF. Please combine all poems into one document and use first poem as title.

6. Do not put your name on the manuscript document. (This will be entered separately on our website.) A cover letter is not required.

7. Work previously published in print or electronically will not be considered. (Please see footnote below for specific definition of “published.”)

8. Simultaneous submissions are permitted, but we ask that you notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. We regret that there can be no refunds or substitutions for withdrawn work.

9. All entries will also be considered for regular publication.

10. Students/friends/colleagues/relations of a judge are not permitted to enter submissions to that judge's genre.

11. BLR acquires first-time North American rights. After publication, all rights revert to the author and the work may be reprinted as long as appropriate acknowledgement to BLR is made.

BLR Prizes Writing Award website:


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