Student Contest - Pinup 2012

#student #contest all contest - Student Contest - Pinup 2012

Call for Submissions
Pinup 2012 Invites students of all design disciplines to submit a collection of their work comprised of up to nine images. The competition is free to all students.

The proliferation of device culture, social networking, and cloud technology are changing the way we work, and connect on a daily basis. For designers, this means that technology is not only transforming the process of production, but also the processes through which we share, critique, and organize ourselves around the work we do. The competition is first, and foremost an experiment in distributed intelligence. By leveraging the "wisdom of crowds" every designer can see and understand how his or her work is experienced by others. It has been predicted that in 2020, there will be 50 billion mobile internet connections worldwide, the equivalent of seven devices per person. Thus, this competition is not simply about the existence of technology, but rather why and how we harness it as designers.

PinUp 2012 poses the following questions: What are the standards and aspirations by which we evaluate design today? In an increasingly networked culture, what makes a project capable of cutting through the virtual noise, and starting a new conversation? How do evolving forms of media affect the way in which your message reaches its destination? What is your message?

The competition challenges you to confront the world with your work. By sending it out into the field you will test yourself and your projects. You are the designer, the curator and the critic.

PinUp 2012 was assembled by professors and students for students as a means to publically promote the research, exploration and investigation currently happening in academia. It is supported by the AIAS, ADC, AIGA and is hosted by The Morpholio Project. Sixteen Honorable Mentions will be selected as well as featured in the Morpholio Community and the winning entrant will receive a Community area dedicated specifically to their University or School as a public forum for their work. We look forward to your participation.

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Schedule

March 9th through April 30th 2012:
Collections can be submitted at any time and "EyeTime" begins the moment you hit “Send to Pinup.” Please Note: The sooner your collection is submitted the more "EyeTime" it may receive.

April 30th 2012:
Stage 01 of the competition is closed and "EyeTime" stops at midnight.

May 7th through May 30th 2012:
Sixteen honorable mentions announced on Morpholio Community and stage 02 “EyeTime” begins.

May 30th 2012:
Stage 02 of the competition is closed and "EyeTime" stops at midnight.

June 4th 2012:
Winning collection announced.

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Judging: EyeTime
EyeTime captures and records the amount and type of viewing time an image receives. Your EyeTime can always be turned on to see how much, and what kind of attention an image is getting. For every second an image or a collection is viewed by others the entrant will accumulate EyeTime. The jury (users contributing EyeTime) will be made up of the general public searching for collections and the up to 15 people you invite to your Pinup. Simply put, the collections with the most cumulative EyeTime will be selected. (Note: Collections must be viewed on an iPad or iPhone to accumulate EyeTime.)

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Eligibility
1. Students: Entrants must currently be under-graduate or post-graduate students at universities or tertiary institutions. (Tertiary institutions include: junior colleges, colleges of technology, and other relevant vocational schools.)
2. All international entries are welcomed.
3. Competition is open to all design fields including but not limited to architecture, urban planning, landscape, interior architecture, graphics, industrial design and fashion design.
4. All submissions are digital and each entrant may submit a maximum of three collections.

Submission Procedures: iPad or iPhone Users
Step 1: Download the Competition App.

Step 2: Register
Register by simply creating a new account or login in to your existing account. By creating an account and agreeing to the terms and conditions the entrant will be registered.

Step 3: Add a collection
Create a collection of up to any nine images of the entrant’s choice. The images can be in any order from any project that represents the thoughts, explorations and ideas of the applicant. Images must be jpg files less than 5mb. (For a tutorial visit the Morpholio Community then Pinup 2012 or get help at )

Step 4: Add Text
With unlock on, change "Add Title" to your own collection title and then change "Add Subtitle" to say "Pinup 2012: Student Work" with your school name below it. Please note that the project title, your name and school will be searchable in Pinup. Example of naming below:
Project X
Pinup 2012: Student Work
Harvard GSD

Step 5: Pinup
Lock the collection and press "Send to Pinup"

Step 6: Invite your Jury
In Pinup press your collection and then Press "Invite to Pinup". You may invite up to 15 people to view your work. Search by name for the person or send an email invite.

Submission Procedures: Non iPhone or iPad Users
Step 1: Sign Up
Create an account here

Step 2: Upload
Press "Upload" to load up to nine images. You will need to load one at a time.

Step 3: Borrow any iPad or iPhone for 20 minutes and say Thank You. Make sure the device has the competition app found here

Step 4: Login
Press the Switch User button and login to your account.

Step 5: Press the Sync button on the home page
This will import the images you loaded into "Add from MyMorpholio"

Step 6:
Go to Step 3 in the iPad or iPhone users submission procedures above. Note when loading your collection by hitting "+" your images will appear in the "Add from MyMorpholio" tab.

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Tips
1. You may change your collection images or image order at any time during the competition period by hitting unlock in the collection. After you make your changes press lock and then "Update to Pinup". Please note images you delete will lose accumulated EyeTime for that specific image.

2. Invite people that know your work and will be interested in looking thoroughly at it. You can delete invited people at any time and replace them with new people as long as your total invited group does not exceed the number allowed. You will NOT lose EyeTime for deleted people.

3. Check your EyeTime by pressing the eye icon button in Pinup

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Awards

Honorable Mention:
Sixteen entrants will receive an Honorable Mention and will be featured in the Morpholio Community.

Winning Entrant:
One student will receive the title of Competition Winner and will receive a Community area as a public forum for their University’s or School’s work. The winning entrant may curate this with any sixteen projects of his or her choice from the students of their School or University. The competition organizers reserve the right to prohibit a collection if it is deemed inappropriate.

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 Regulations
1. There is no registration fee.
2. The official language of the competition is English; however text within images may be submitted in any language.
3. This will be a digital competition and no hardcopies will be accepted. Images must be jpg files less than 5mb.
4. The competition organizers and collaborators, reserve the right to modify the competition schedule, terms and requirements at any time if deemed necessary.
5. Entrants will be disqualified if any of the competition rules are not considered.
6. Participation assumes acceptance of the regulations, guidelines and terms of use.
7. The competition organizers reserve the right to reproduce, distribute, in part or in whole, any images or text included in the submission material for promotional or marketing purposes.
8. Only one collection per entrant will be selected as a competition finalist. Should any entrant have more than one collection in the final sixteen the competition organizers will automatically select their collection with the most cumulative EyeTime as a finalist.
9. See terms of service for complete list of regulations.

Questions may be submitted up to March 31st by emailing the competition organizer at All Frequently Asked Questions will be posted here and no questions can be answered after March 31st.

Student Contest - Pinup 2012 website:


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