$300 Installment Contest
The next installment of THE DESIGNATED SKETCHER contest
series is on its way! To keep it simple, we are asking for something you’re already working on: A Shot of your Model
For initial registration, this is limited to a single shot of a model you’re currently working on and should be what you consider your “Money Shot”. We say initial here, because there are multiple ways to increase your chances of winning.
For Stage I, all you have to do is Tweet your “Model Shot” over Twitter, follow & mention @design8dsketchr, and then tell your friends about it.
If we like your Model Shot, we will Retweet it. If we really like it, we will invite you to post it to The DS and include up to 5 additional follow up
images. The top 10 entries will be seen under the “CONTEST” tab on the DS. From there, the editors of the DS will select a winner. The Overall Winner will be based partially on the number of views/likes/comments that a particular entry gets, in
addition to our own critical eye for design intent.
Other winners will include:
The Most Viral. Virality will be based on a social media rubric that includes the number of Retweets/favorites, Facebook Likes, and views/likes on The DS.
(2) Finalists. Runners Up to the Overall Winner
Most Influential Juror. A DS staple, this represents the most active & most constructive participant.
Registration Opens: April 9th, 2012
Submittal Deadline*: May 11th, 2012
Jury Deliberation: May 12th – May 18th, 2012
Winners Announced: May 21st, 2012
*By midnight of the submittal deadline
Installment Contest Awards
Overall Winner: $300 (US$) and all entries are published on The DS.
Most Viral: $100 (US$) and all entries are published on The DS.
(2) Finalists: $50 (US$) and all entries are published on The DS.
Most Influential Juror: $50 (US$)
Installment Contest Eligibility
Any student currently enrolled in a design curriculum. We want to keep it open to anyone who is building a model as part of a final presentation, so if you think you’re on the edge, simply drop up a line to confirm info@thedesignatedsketcher.com
As long as you are a student with a current model, entries from all countries and all disciplines/majors are encouraged.
Installment Contest Registration and Registration Fees
To register, simply follow us on Twitter @design8dsketchr, Tweet your entry and mention us in the process. Once we confirm your entry fee, you’re in!
If you would like to follow up with us, simply send an email to
contest@thedesignatedsketcher.com, with your Name, EMail, and current DS username (if applicable).
Installment Contest website: http://thedesignatedsketcher.com/contest/model-shots
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