Homebrew Competition - Prizes Trip for 2 to the 2011 Great American Beer Festival

Do you homebrew your own beer with pride? Enter it in this contest. Ship 4 bottles of your brew to this contest and keep an additional 3 available (will be needed if you advance to the next label). Your bottles must arrive within the designated time frame. There are a number of categories in which you can enter. You only reveal your ingredients at time of entry if you are in certain categories. Grand Champions must agree to reveal their recipes.

4 Finalist Prizes: trip for 2 to the 2011 Great American Beer Festival (GABF) where the two (2) Grand Champion winners will be announced. Includes round-trip airfare from the major airport nearest the winner’s residence to Colorado, accommodations, meals and entrance to the GABF.

2 Grand Champions: will have their beer brewed and bottled by The Boston Beer Company and included in the 2012 LongShot® Variety six-pack. If the product is brought to market and made available to American beer drinkers, the homebrewer will receive a one time royalty of $5000.

source: http://www.samueladams.com/promotions/LongShot2011/Default.aspx


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