Architecture Competitions - Tile of Spain Awards

The competition for the Tile of Spain Awards of Architecture and Interior Design is organized and promoted by ASCER, the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association.

The prizes aim to improve awareness and understanding of ceramic tiles made in Spain amongst architects and interior designers and promote their use by these professionals.

The competition for the Prizes is held annually and is open to projects and professionals in Spain and worldwide.
Entries must make significant use of Spanish ceramic floor and/or wall tiles in the formal part of the building.

Prize categories include architecture and interior design.

There is also a “Degree Projects” category that is aimed t young students at advanced technical schools of architecture in Spain.

The Prizes are sponsored by Vodafone and Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia.

The Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association, ASCER, is launching the Xth Tile of Spain Awards of Architecture and Interior Design Competition. The Awards are designed to recognize work in the field of architecture and interior design that has reflected the versatility, characteristics and applications of ceramic tiles made in Spain to their best advantage or shown the best reinterpretation of the material in new and recent architectural or decorative projects.

RULES AND REGULATIONS Architecture Competitions - Tile of Spain Awards

1. Candidates
Any person, entity or institution interested in entering the competition may submit work they consider to be appropriate providing the work complies with the conditions indicated below. Submissions may be made either on the candidate’s own initiative or at the behest of the promoters of the Awards.
The competition is open to professional architects, interior designers, architectural engineers, landscapers and decorators of all nationalities.

2. Conditions of entry
Submissions must indicate which of the following categories the work is being entered for:

- Architecture: new buildings, renovation or refurbishment of existing buildings and work that is part of urban redevelopment or outdoor landscaping.

- Interior design: decoration of interior spaces in new buildings, as part of improvement or refurbishment projects, or installations created for short term events.

The jury reserves the right to classify the entries.

Work entered for the competition must make substantial use of Spanish ceramic floor and/or wall tiles in the formal part of the building.

The work submitted may have been undertaken anywhere in the world.

The projects must have been completed between January 2010 and October 2011.

Entrants are deemed to have accepted the competition’s conditions of entry.

3. Submission of entries
The following documentation must be submitted:

- Registration form. The registration form should be sent together with the rest of the documentation to the Awards Office (ASCER. C/ Ginjols, 3. Castellón, SPAIN) before 25th October 2011.

- Constructive memory. A brief text describing the project (maximum 600 words) and clearly indicating the kind of product used and the manufacturer’s brand name. The description should be presented as a bound A4 document and submitted along with the architect or interior designer’s Curriculum Vitae or the studio’s credentials and full contact details: postal address, telephone number, e-mail address...

- Graphic memory. It will be composed between 5 and 8 A3 boards with good quality photographs showing the finished project from different angles (1 photograph per panel if possible). Descriptive text and details of the plans may also be included on the boards. It is imperative to include at least an image that shows specifically how the ceramic tiles have been used in the project. All photographs must be free of rights of reproduction. The title of the project and the designer’s name should be clearly marked on the boards.

- A set of drawings that describe the work (floors, elevations, sections etc.) should be provided on paper.

- A CD containing all the images on the boards in 300 dpi digital format (jpg or tiff); the drawings in digital format (eps, pdf, jpg or tiff); photograph(s) of the designer(s) and the description of the project (doc or pdf).

All documentation sent in should be clearly identified with the title of the project and the name(s) of the designer(s).

4. Prizes
One first prize will be awarded to the designer/s of the winning entry in each of the following categories:
- Architecture: 20,000 €
- Interior design: 20,000 €

As well as the sum allocated for the first prize in each category, the organizers are setting aside an additional 5,000 Euros for special mentions in either of two categories. This amount may be divided between a maximum of two mentions.

The retention under the current tax legislation will be applied to the amount of each award.

The prize-winning projects will be published in the official web of the awards and they will be used for other activities of promotion that the Association organizes. Images of the selected work will be included in each new edition of the Architectural Ceramics book as well as in other ASCER publications.

The jury may select as many entries as it wishes as finalists in each category. A list of this work will be included on the official competition website and in other publications.

5. Jury
The jury will carry out its duties in accordance with the regulations and will be tasked with the following duties:

- Judging the entries. In its written account of its judgement the jury will give the reasons for its decisions and each member may give the reasons for his/her own vote separately.

- The jury will act in unison and will award the prizes by majority vote. If a member of the jury is also the designer of one of the selected pieces of work he/she may take part in the voting for all entries other than his/her own.

- The Award must be given and may not be given to two entries equally.

- The jury reserves the right to award special mentions and, should they do so, will distribute the 5,000 Euros in a maximum of two mentions.

- The jury has the right to assign any entry to a different category.

- The Jury’s decision will be final.

6. Timetable and delivery of entries

All documentation must be delivered to ASCER’s offices at the following address:

ASCER (Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association)
C/ Ginjols, 3
12003 Castellón (SPAIN)
Tel.: +34 964 72 72 00, Fax: +34 964 72 72 12

The deadline for receipt of entries is 18.00 hours on 25th October 2011. Sending by post shall be door to door service.

All queries should be addressed to ASCER’s Communications department.

The jury’s decisions will be published on

7. Co-operation
All contestants agree to co-operate with the organisers of the (ASCER) Ceramic Tile in Architecture and Interior Design Awards and provide access to such press and other media as they may wish to interview them or visit and photograph their projects. No reproduction rights will be payable on any documentary material submitted for the Awards and the material will be able to be used for publicity purposes (publications, exhibitions and in the media)

8. Return of work
ASCER will return to the candidates who request it all documentation sent in (other than that in digital formats), with the exception of those designs that receive an award, a special mention or are otherwise specially selected, within a month from the announcement of the jury´s decision.



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