One-week Photographic Artist’s Residency
For mid-career fine-art photographers looking for a retreat-like experience to work on their art, reflect on their artistic direction, make new photographs, plan new career paths, have time away from work/family/life pressure and stress or use in any way they find useful to move their art or career forward or use the time away to simply reflect on where they are and where they are headed.
Stay in a very private retreat in the woods along the banks of a pristine sand-bottom river. The Trade River Retreat Center is located near Grantsburg, Wisconsin, an hour and a half from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, MN. Modern facilities include full bathroom with hot and cold running water, heat, electricity, phone, modern kitchen, wood-burning fireplace, sauna, fire-pit, library and stereo system. See more student photos made at the Trade River Retreat Center:
The residency will include a private consultation, in person or via phone or Skype, with Vision Quest Photo Workshops founder and director Douglas Beasley before the week begins to help set the tone and scope of time spent there and also after its conclusion, to discuss its impact on future artistic endeavors.
Book direct: Artist’s Residencies can be also be directly booked with Vision Quest for the Trade River Retreat Center. Cost is $675 for one week or $475 for 5 days and include a consultation with Doug. Call or email to check availability or reserve a date.
To apply: Submit 12 .jpeg images (see submission guidelines below). Also send a 300 to 500-word artist statement about your past and current work and overall artistic direction, and a 300 to 500-word statement of what you would like to do with your residency.
Submit application images to Smarter Entry
Send artists statement and residency statement to
The Fine Print:
* Deadline for application: July 31, 2011
* There is a $20 application fee (to cover Smarter Entry costs)
* The weeklong residency is at no additional cost. You provide your own groceries.
* You will be notified of acceptance within one week of deadline.
* Residency dates are flexible and will occur from Spring to late Fall.
* You will have one year to complete your residency.
* Recipient will be chosen by Douglas Beasley and guest juror.
To prepare your images for submission, please follow these specific instructions:
* sRGB or RGB color space (standard) - not CMYK.
* Save files to 72 dpi resolution, flattened layers, 8 bit JPG files.
* Sized to 1280 pixels on the longest side.
* JPG compression at level 7 (medium). This compression level will not affect the quality of the images viewed on the monitor.
* Enter zero in the field for width, height and depth.
* Each image should be titled.
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