Photo Contest for Brochure Cover
How to enter photo contest for brochure cover
* There is no entry fee
* You must be the photographer and owner of the copyright for any image entered
* The deadline for entry is 1 August 2011
* If you have any further questions relating to this competition please email us at
What to enter in photo contest for brochure cover
* Use the maximum quality setting on your camera to have the best chance of your image being selected
* Please keep digital manipulation such as cloning and compositing to a minimum; your photograph should faithfully represent the scene as you saw it. HDR images are unlikely to be accepted
* Only photos deemed suitable for public viewing will be displayed. Approved photos will be displayed on our Facebook page
* You can enter a maximum of three images
* Submit your photo via this website. For practical reasons please reduce your image size to 2Mb or less and ensure it is in JPEG format. CTC cannot be held responsible for problems associated with entry submission
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