Call for Submissions National Conference

all competition - Contributions are invited from participants who possess knowledge and practice/ life experience relevant to the conference program:

· Recognition, Social Inclusion and Capacity Building

· Contributions of people of African Descent to Australian society

· Stories of the people of African descent since the First Fleet and through the periods of the White Australian policy, Assimilation policy, integration and multicultural policy.

· The economic, social, cultural and political rights of people of African Descent in Australia

· Issues of identity, maintenance of identity and the impact of Diaspora on identity

· Exploration of Identity and community in a vastly diverse community in Diaspora.

· Creating spaces for advocacy.

Preparing an abstract

The abstract should outline the subject of the presentation in no more than 250 words.

Additionally, it should include a concise title and the full names and contact details of the authors. The lead author/presenter should be listed first as the key contact. Any additional authors should be listed in the space provided and be clearly identified if they will be co-presenting.

A brief personal biography (approximately 100 words) from the presenting author/s must also be included which can be used to introduce speakers at the conference.

Please do not include any acknowledgments, figures or references in the abstract. Please provide details if you have presented this paper previously (i.e. conference, conference location and date).

Please indicate on your abstract submission form if it should be considered for a 30-minute presentation (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes questions). Timings are subject to change based on the final program and presenters will be notified of their allocated time.

The abstract will be published in the final conference program.

Submitting an abstract in Call for Submissions National Conference

Abstracts must be submitted electronically by 5.00 pm Wednesday, 17 August 2011 using the abstract submission form.

Completed abstract submission forms should be returned by email, to

The program advisory committee for the conference will consider all abstracts for potential inclusion in the conference program and authors will be notified of the outcome by 30 August 2011.

This is a community event, hence, all Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and attend the conference. All expenses associated with attendance are to be covered by the presenter.


You are invited to the National Conference to mark the 2011 International Year for People of African Descent: “People of African Descent: Recognition, Social Inclusion and Capacity Building” to be held at the Sebel Hotel 350 Church Street Parramatta New South Wales on 30 September, 2011. The conference is collaboratively organised by African Women Australia Incorporated, in partnership with The Hills Holroyd Parramatta Migrant Resource Centre, Australian Human Rights Commission and several African and African Descent community groups around Australia. The conference will be open to all government agencies, service providers, academics and the general community.

An Official Reception will be held 29th September 2011, 6:00pm at Bankstown Arts Centre, 5 Olympic Parade, Bankstown. This will include official speeches, a play, and performances

For inquires, please contact Dativah on e-mail address (

To register please read, complete, sign and return the registration, Proof of payment and application (where applicable) forms to the AWAU Inc. by e-mail: Receipt of each delegate’s Registration, Proof of Payment and Application Forms will be acknowledged within 5 working days.


The year 2011 was declared by the United Nations a International Year for the People of African Descent to strengthen national actions and regional and international cooperation for the benefit of people of African descent in relation to their full enjoyment of economic, cultural, social, civil and political rights, their participation and integration in all political, economic, social and cultural aspects of society, and the promotion of a greater knowledge of and respect for their diverse heritage and culture.

Conference Objectives:

1. Celebrate and acknowledge the presence of people of African descent in Australia raise awareness of the challenges facing people of African descent. It is hoped that the conference will foster discussions that will generate proposals for solutions to tackle these challenges.

2. Explore the collective depths of the delegates’ expertise and skills in order to inspire strategies for change that can advance the recognition for the people of African Descent.

3. And showcase contributions, explore issues and canvass strategies for the way ahead.

Call for Submissions National Conference website:


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