Photography Exhibition 2012 Eyephoneography
The eyephoneography #3 exhibition, to which this open call refers, will open in April 2012, in the gallery of the recently inaugurated Castellana FNAC flagship store in the heart of Madrid.
Eyephoneography #3 will have the same format of the previous two editions, which proved to be perfect to offer an overview of various mobile photography trends while offering the right amount of room to each photographer to present his/her vision and promote visibility of the photographers in media and promotional efforts.
Some of the eyephoneography #3 photos will also be included in the ongoing Mobile eyephoneography exhibit that is likely to continue touring after the final provisional stop in Seville in January 2013. There will also be a catalog accompanying eyephoneography #3.
What are we after in eyephoneography #3 ?
The goal is not to find single nice shots. So we encourage you not to simply submit your five nicest/most-liked any-style photos.
We are looking for people whose photographic message is powerful and original.
We are looking for interesting stories.
We are looking for mobile photographers with a vision.
We want to put the spotlight on four mobile photographers who have something to say with their images.
In other words, this open call is not a best photo contest.
If the five images you decide to submit include one street photography, one abstract, one nature, one architecture and one fashion, you may not get the attention of our selection committee.
Before submitting your work, please read carefully the following submission guidelines to avoid rejection of your entry.
Who is eligible to enter?
eyephoneography #3 is open to people of all ages from anywhere in the world except the ones that have been in previous editions of eyephoneography (Carlein vad der Beek, Matt Burrows, Sion Fullana, Isabelle “MissPixels” Gagne, Stefano Giogli, Marco La Civita, Jordi V. Pou, and Greg Schmigel).
How much does it cost to participate to the open call?
If selected, will I have to contribute to the costs of eyephoneography #3 and Mobile eyephoneography ?
Absolutely not.
What exactly should I submit?
You will need to submit five of your photos shot and edited on a smartphone. The longest side of the photos must be at least 800 pixels (e.g., 800×800, 800×600, 600×800 are all valid entries). Accepted photo type is JPG and the files size needs to be less than 500Kb each.
The name of your files needs to have the following format:
Firstname_Lastname-2DigitNumber-The_title_of_your_photo.jpg. So if you are Bob Dylan and the title of your first photo is All Along the Watchtower the name of your first file should be Bob_Dylan-01-All_Along_the_Watchtower.jpg.
Please, do not put any watermarks on your images as they are very distracting. Of course, it is fine to have any text in the images if the text needs to be considered an integral part of the image itself.
In the submission form below, you should also include a brief description of yourself and of your photography.
Multiple submissions are not allowed.
Any submission not compliant with these guidelines will likely be ignored.
How do I submit my images and my information?
We only accept submissions through the form at the end of this post.
For how long will the open call last?
We will accept submission until one month after the publication of this post, namely until February 3rd, 2012 at 23:29 (GMT+1).
Who will make the selection?
The world-class selection committee created ad hoc for eyephoneography #3.
How will the committee select the four mobile photographers?
Each committee member will be asked to independently nominate one or two authors among the ones who submitted. The selected two photographers by each committee member will be forming the shortlist and will be asked to send 15 additional photos. Each member of the committee will then be asked to select four authors from the shortlist and the corresponding 10 photos that could be exhibited. Combining the votes we will arrive at the final four mobile photographers that will be showcased with 10 photos each.
How will you use my images?
Copyright of images remain to their creators. By submitting you grant us permission to show your pictures on our website and in any print and digital media for promotional purposes related to eyephoneography. For example, for the previous editions of eyephoneography newspapers and TV networks have run features about us and we have facilitated some of the exhibited pictures. Nevertheless, should we decide to use any of your images, we will contact and inform you.
As in the last two exhibitions, printed limited editions of the photos of the four selected mobile photographers will be for sale. We will work out the details privately if you will be selected for the show.
If you have any additional questions please leave a comment at the end of this post.
Good luck with your submissions, looking forward to them!
follow me on Twitter @allcompetitions
Photography Exhibition 2012 Eyephoneography website:
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