Call for Materials Biography Book

all competitions - This is a call for materials for a biographical book on the life, work and legacy of David Kisule Kato the deceased Ugandan human rights defender for s3xual (and other) minorities. The biography is being developed and written by researchers in the Law, Gender and S3xuality Research Project of the Faculty of Law at Makerere University Kampala. We are interested in a range of materials including essays, fiction, poetry, web blogs, art, crafts, photographs, film, documentaries, speeches, diaries, letters and other correspondence, music, academic publications, etc. that reflect any aspect of the life and work of David Kato. We invite materials from family, friends, lovers, partners, colleagues, allies, students, other human rights defenders and advocates, social justice activists, s3xual minorities, academics, clerics, parliamentarians, journalists and anyone else with something (whether positive or negative) to say about David Kato's life, work and legacy.

Materials about the different commemoration activities and memorial events held after David's death are also welcome. The materials will be collected alongside interviews and focus group
discussions conducted in rural and urban Uganda among those who knew David Kato. Although the main language of the biography will be English, relevant materials written in Luganda, Kiswahili, French, Portugese, Spanish and any other African tongue will be translated for inclusion. The deadline for submission is 16th December 2011. All received materials will
be duly acknowledged.

Call for Materials Biography Book, Please send material to:

Stella Nyanzi,
Law, Gender and Sexuality Research Project,
Faculty of Law,
P. O. Box 7062, Kampala Uganda.
Email: or


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