Call for Papers - Poverty in Uganda

all competitions - Contributions to this volume critically assess the dynamics of poverty in Uganda within wider theoretical debates of how poverty gets defined and addressed. Uganda's public policy is assessed in terms of how it actually works and why some approaches succeed while others fail. The policy process can be examined from many directions, including: how priorities are established, how institutions operate, the politics of funding, and the coordination and competition among state, international, and non-state actors.

The primary existing policy on poverty operates through the national Poverty Reduction Strategy (National Development Plan), developed in close coordination with donors, however this book broadens the discussion to assess policy capacity in areas that overlap and impact on poverty more generally. Contributions draw attention to the power dynamics behind policy documents and implementation, highlighting the interests at stake all levels of the process.

1. Call for Papers - Poverty in Uganda Abstract Selection: Deadline for abstract selection is October 15, 2011. Please submit your 300-500 word abstract to both: and

Editors will inform all authors whether their abstract is being considered for publication by November 15, 2011.


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