$1000 for Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry Prizes

all competitions #contest #competition - It's the most wonderful time of the year: The Normal School is now accepting entries for the 2012 Normal Prize. From 12/1/11 until 2/12/12, we will be nestling away submissions to stave off hibernation. Think you're Normal enough to enter? We agree. Read on for our full contest guidelines, and send us your best.

Fiction Prize: $1000 & Publication
Nonfiction Prize: $1000 & Publication
Poetry Prize: $1000 & Publication

$1000 for Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry Prizes Final Judges

Nonfiction: TOM BISSELL

$1000 for Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry Prizes GUIDELINES

1. All fiction and nonfiction submissions must be 10,087 words or less, double-spaced, 12 pt. font. Poetry submissions should not exceed five pages or five poems total. Please submit all poems in a single document.

2. All submissions will be read blind. Author's name must not appear on the manuscript.

3. There is a $20 fee per submission. When you click "Pay and Submit" you will be automatically redirected to our billing page, after which you will immediately be able to submit your document.

4. Please, no previously published works or works accepted for publication elsewhere. Simultaneous submissions are okay as long as you notify editors should your piece be accepted elsewhere. Multiple submissions are also permitted, but each submission should be accompanied by the $20 fee.

5. Submissions for the third annual contest are only accepted online. Please submit on or before February 12, 2012 . Please visit our submission manager to enter.

7. Sorry, but the Normal Prize is not open to current or recent students, staff, or faculty of Fresno State.

6. All entrants will be considered for publication and will receive a complimentary issue of The Normal School. Contest winners and finalists will be announced in the summer via email. For questions, please email us at normalprize@thenormalschool.com.

follow me on Twitter @allcompetitions

$1000 for Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry Prize website: http://www.thenormalschool.com/contestguidelines_3.html


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