Abstract Photo Competition
DEADLINE: Thursday, April 12, 2012
Abstract Photo Competition SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS
Along with the completed application form, please submit your work according to the following guidelines:
Digital File Submission:
We only accept digital files. All digital images should be provided as jpgs only, 72 dpi, image width not to exceed 1024 pixels on the longest side. Files should be titled as follows: LastName_1Title.jpg
If you have any questions about submitting digital files, please contact us at 1650gallery@gmail.com.
Abstract Photo Competition Submission Fee:
$25 for the first 5 images, $5 for each additional image. Credit card or PayPal payments can be made using the PayPal link. Submissions are non-refundable. Applicants must be 18 or over. We accept international artwork.
Acceptance Notification:
Photographers will be notified of accepted work via e-mail approximately one week after the deadline. If selected, artists will be sent instructions for submitting work for exhibition.
Selected artists may choose to offer their work for sale. The gallery retains 50% of the sale price. There is a 8.75% California sales tax.
Photographs have the opportunity to be part of an online silent charity auction to benefit worthy causes. 1650 encourages all accepted artists to participate but it is not mandatory. We will provide additional info to accepted artists who fall into this category.
Mailing address:
1650 Gallery Office
3119 Berkeley Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Use Rights:
Artists whose submissions are accepted for exhibition grant 1650 Gallery the right to use their images for the purpose of marketing the exhibition, marketing related programs, and subsequent display on the 1650 Gallery website, unless indicated otherwise. The artist's name and photo title will be included in the exhibition, and wherever the work is displayed.
Abstract Photo Competition website: http://1650gallery.com/abstracts2012_guidelines.php
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