Canada Giveaway: win a $10 New York Fries gift card!
Giveaway: One reader from Canada (excluding Quebec) will win a $10 New York Fries gift card!
Remember, you must complete the mandatory entry in order for your extra entries to count (entries without the mandatory first entry will be discarded)!
Each entry should also appear in a different comment (do not put them together into one comment).
Mandatory entry:
To enter the giveaway, check out the New York Fries menu and tell me which other item you’d most like to try! (1 entry).
Daily Entries:
Follow me Twitter AND tweet the following (please include the link to your tweet):Try New York Fries for yourself! #Win a gift card! CANADA 08/24 @ReviewCorner #canwin
Check out the location finder and tell me where your local New York Fries is! (1 entry)
Additional Entries:
subscribe to My Little Review Corner’s RSS feeds (or tell me you already receive them)– include the email address you used (1 entry)
subscribe to My Little Review Corner via email (or tell me you already receive them) – include the email address you used (1 entry)
”like” my Facebook fan page – include your Facebook name (1 entry)
share this giveaway (use Reshare button on my Facebook fan page
follow me on Pinterest (1 entry)
NEW pin any of my recipe or weight-loss posts on Pinterest and share the link (1 entry per post – unlimited entries)
follow me on StumbleUpon -include your user name (1 entry)
follow me on Google+ (1 entry)
NEW Share on Google+ (using the G+ button on the bottom of this post) – include your Google+ user name (1 entry)
Comment on any of my non-giveaway posts – let me know which post you have commented on (1 entry per post – unlimited entries)
*Contest closes at 11:59 PM pm EST on Friday, August 24th, 2012 . Open to residents of Canada (excluding Quebec), 18+ years of age.*
Read also all mumbaikars twitter contest
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